Monday, December 19, 2011

Blog training exercise

I just spent waaaaaayyyyyy too much time learning how to add a widget to my blog. Not sure how useful this will be, but I did learn something today.

Here's your useless brain post-it for the day - 

They say Blue Ribbon is the original name of the Nike corporation. When changing their corporate identity with the new name, the two founders decided they needed a logo (do you hear SWOOSH?) They paid a fellow employee at Oregon State University to design the now familiar design. They paid her $35.

ALWAYS get paid in stock options.

Friday, December 2, 2011

It's finally happened . . .

Too much time on my hands, I start surfing around on the net and now I have a blog.

Forgive me if I drop a few v's in the text - I have a rotten keyboard an now a flax seed is stuck under the key for V.